intrepid Soul

Sometimes, following one's true destiny involves a profound death... the death of a dream, only to discover the dream was all part of a grander plan. Have you felt there was something missing from your life, only to discover it had been with you all along? Intrepid Soul, is a spiritual drama filled with opportunities for personal growth and transformation. It is the final memoir in the trilogy that follows Leanda's journey abroad to the "land of promise" in search of love and belonging. Along the way, she meets masters of deception and tyranny and unravels many a mysterious truth before she returns home to begin anew. Though you may not agree with her actions or perspective, her adventures are sure to arouse what lies dormant within. Who dares to travel to the depths of their human self, shall reap the rewards.
REVIEW:"My heart was in my boots reading through your chapters... once again I was blown away by the sheer honesty & beauty of your writing. My dear friend.... what can I say... Wow, wow, WOW! I loved Intrepid Soul." Roma Cunningham (Beta Reader)