About Sea Dream Press
Writerly Guide, Leanda Michelle, created her first blog Scarlett Pages in 2009 - its name was derived from the street where she lived. Her first website was created from code soon after by a developer and it frustrated her because she had no control over the site. After teaching herself to create her own website followed by several reinventions using the latest WordPress themes, when her site eventually became corrupted and beyond repair, Leanda knew it was time for a fresh approach.
Generally, authors set out to create a website to sell their creations – it’s all about the individual and their book/s. Websites are about being seen and heard, energetically felt through the vibration of their storytelling and ultimately, known. Being known is likely the most difficult aspect of any author’s journey, with some happy to be in the spotlight and others not so comfortable. Most commonly, many struggle to market their book/s due to a now saturated market and one or two big companies that dominate the field that are in it for the money, not the author.
Leanda realised it was time for me to be replaced by we and create a functional site where authors feature their wisdom, real-life stories and events from varying time-space-coordinates and unite to offer these books in one place.
Introducing Sea Dream Press—
Sea stands for body of water – it is the creative act of fluid form from which a story is moulded into shape; it can be emotional and reflective, and describe stagnant, still or moving particles that embody the author’s genius.
Dream stands for viewing life through the lens of nature in her symbology – the author crafts each story from their lived experience and dreaming.
Press is to print one’s book in paperback or hardcover formats and can include online eBook, as well as newspapers, magazines and various other media.

Sea Dream Press authors are mindful of maintaining balance and harmony with the Earth, where books are print-on-demand, meaning they care about our planet and don’t have an excessive stockpile in their garage or basement. The Sea Dream Press logo depicts the circle of life through which the triad of togetherness weaves, for it, takes three to harness the power of the Earth and all she gifts to her stewards. The petals represent each author’s flowering as they transform into their natural native self and share their creative spirit in the true splendour of their form. You may note the black and the white, which represents the contrast we see in each other’s reflections. Some of the authors on this site wear the Sea Dream Press logo on their book/s, while others have their own. Each author has united with a collaborative focus in respect of each other, with the vision that one platform negates the need for many and reduces stored data, which would otherwise negatively impact our precious ecosystem. As a community of creatives, we are delighted to co-share this space – may our stories uplift and inspire, enrich and transform. Here, you’ll find the diversity the same as in nature – not separate from one another but as a complement to each other.
Please also note that the body of work each other has self-published on this platform has been written by a living natural native being of the Earth and is non-ai produced.
Thank you sincerely for choosing better book-purchasing practices.
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