Garnering Wisdom Through The Ages
Leanda  Michelle

Leanda Michelle

Leanda is the author of four memoirs about love and belonging, one general non-fiction book, and has been a ghostwriter for one autobiography and editor and writerly guide for another. She also has poetry and a short story in anthologies and has written for magazine and newspaper bylines. Collectively, she has 25 years of writing experience and 12 years of self-publishing experience. Her latest novel explores the multidimensional being and navigating the path of purity.

Mark  Daniel

Mark Daniel

I believe we are living at an amazing time. That is why I am passionate about understanding my place in this world and finding meaning in our collective existence. Sometimes it can be hard to make sense of it all, but that's just part of being human isn’t it?

Having been a student of a thousand teachers, I have been blessed with the good fortune of learning from a wide array of sources and guides. Every discussion and experience profoundly influenced me and was less about acquiring new knowledge or skills and more about uncovering and remembering the interconnectedness of all things. Each discussion was filled with thought-provoking questions and a willingness to explore different perspectives.

Today, echoes of those conversations pop up in my life in the most fascinating ways. When they do, my wry smile and gentle laugh accompanies my mind as I say, "Of course."

Each one told me that miracles happen if one exists in the realm of miracles. Where magic seems to want to manipulate outcomes, miracles reveal the potential that can occur, and it is always coupled with understanding and wisdom, and love—mostly love.

Nicola Sage Gardner

Nicola Sage Gardner

I am an artist, philosopher and author. I deeply care for this Earth, our planet, our home. I grieve for her and do my best in the madness of this  world to be gentle on her with my footprint.

I am an observational realist and find it scaringly difficult to believe that only a few are aware of what I see as our present toxic manifestation of humanity. My books are my gift to humanity for the sake of our planet: Questions From a Sometimes Philosopher Looking for Utopia and Evolution of the Sustainable Huwoman, and to come, Huwoman Philosophy.


Patricia L'Nane Freeman

Patricia L'Nane Freeman

Patricia L’nane Freeman is a singer-songwriter of fifty-plus years. She swapped writing lyrics for children’s stories when she became a grandmother and coupled with her love of wildlife and seeing the decimation of many that are now on the endangered species list, this propelled her to do something about it.

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