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Write to Heal
SKU: 9780992585822
In Light of the Truth
SKU: 9780992585815
intrepid Soul
SKU: 9780992585839
SKU: 978-0-9925858-6-0
Forty Four Prayers (Release Date 29.02.2025)
Mark has always seen Prayer as a centring, guiding and driving narrative in life. 44 Prayers is about you and your life. It offers ways to embrace personal change in a way that makes sense to you. Too often, many of us feel like we are being told how to be spiritual. We’re told what not to do, or how to do things better. 44 Prayers is more about what you can do and encourages you to see what is possible for you. These insights are about standing before Unconditional Love and saying, “ Here I am," no matter how you see yourself. As you read or listen, may you become your best version.
Camille and the Kangaroos (4)
SKU: 978-0-9756487-3-5
Bonnie and the Birds (2)
SKU: 978-0-9756487-1-1
Bush Mates (3)
SKU: 978-0-9756487-2-8
Evolution of the Sustainable Huwoman: Chapter 18
SKU: 9780646890012
In Questions From a Sometimes Philosopher: Looking for Utopia, Nicola Sage Gardener presented us with the reality of the current situation we find ourselves in and the wreckage we have created of our Mother Gaia.
In her latest writing, she takes us on the next part of the journey and challenges us to consider how change might occur, and how we might become a species that no longer damage the Earth, by posing the possibility of the huwoman.