Garnering Wisdom Through The Ages

Nicola Sage Gardner

I am an artist, philosopher and author. I deeply care for this Earth, our planet, our home. I grieve for her and do my best in the madness of this  world to be gentle on her with my footprint.

I am an observational realist and find it scaringly difficult to believe that only a few are aware of what I see as our present toxic manifestation of humanity. My books are my gift to humanity for the sake of our planet: Questions From a Sometimes Philosopher Looking for Utopia and Evolution of the Sustainable Huwoman, and to come, Huwoman Philosophy.

My love for the Earth never began - it has always been and as I’ve grown older I know it more deeply. I immerse myself in the healing hug of the ocean every day of the year. I’ve had many roles in life - I have been a friend and a daughter as best I can, an activist through my art and the way I live. I have never veered too far from my creativity which has been enriching and sustaining on many levels of life.


My passion comes from my need to be creative; my interests are varied - I dip in and out of them at different times depending on my levels of passion, my values are - do what I can, accept what is before me and live life in a peaceful manner even though at times there is chaos.

I would say I am kind but not a fool - I am fair and compassionate when it is needed. When I’m not immersed in nature, writing, philosophising or engaged in other creative endeavours, I take pleasure in taking care of myself, my friends, my garden and my surroundings.

Books By Nicola Sage Gardner