Garnering Wisdom Through The Ages

Leanda Michelle

A student of life, Leanda is a Writerly Guide for others who either want to write their story or have it written for them...

Leanda is creative at heart: a seasoned author, celestial visionary, dreamer and sound harmoniser. Her writing pursuits have been many and varied, including children's picture book stories, short stories, poems, memoirs, fantasy and cross-genres, as well as magazine and newspaper bylines. As a passionate advocate for natural healing, Leanda continues to transform her life, believing every person has the power to heal and rewrite their story.

Her earliest memory and love for the written word was teaching her grandfather to write as a young girl seated on his knee; she didn’t understand at that time he had Parkinson’s disease. In the year 2000 when a psychic friend asked if she had written a book, Leanda embarked on a writing course and thus began her writing journey. It was only when her former husband and best friend died two days after her fortieth birthday did she feel drawn to write until she found her voice.

Discover the Love & Belonging Series and your Multidimensional Being.

Books By Leanda Michelle

Write to Heal
SKU: 9780992585822
In Light of the Truth
SKU: 9780992585815
intrepid Soul
SKU: 9780992585839
SKU: 9780992585846
SKU: 978-0-9925858-6-0

Upcoming Appearances/Events

Date Venue Address
Date: September 20, 2024
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Venue: White Bear Haven Address: Private
Midland, Ontario Canada
Notes: Hosted by Alda... A conversation about dreams and dreaming.
Date: October 19, 2024
Venue: Lakeshore cottage Address: Private Residence
Bancroft, Ontario Canada
Notes: A WOW (Women of Wonder) gathering hosted by Peggy Perin and Caroline Manzo - nurture you in nature's spectrum of colours this Fall.

Recent Appearances/Events

Date Venue Address
Date: April 20, 2024
3:00am - 4:00am
Venue: The Realm Podcast Address:
Notes: Joe Hilliard from The Realm Podcast interviews Leanda Michelle ~ Episode 137
Date: April 17, 2024
12:30am -
Venue: Katharine Wibell Address:
Notes: Written Interview with Katharine Wibell - Write Your Way
Date: April 11, 2024
5:00am - 6:00am
Venue: TRBM Podcast Interview Address:
Notes: Jody J. Sperling interviews Leanda Michelle... TRBM Exists to connect writers and readers.
Date: March 12, 2024
9:00am -
Venue: A Book Podcast Address:
Notes: Laura Wing interviews Leanda Michelle... her channel is dedicated to teaching, motivating, encouraging and inspiring writers.
Date: January 31, 2024
12:00am - 1:30am
Venue: Books Charming Address:
Notes: Read Aakanksha Jain's blog interview with Leanda Michelle
Date: May 24, 2023
8:00am - 9:00am
Venue: Bringing Inspiration to Earth Show Address:
Notes: Robert Sharpe live recorded interview with Leanda Michelle and her book, Knightsbridge