Garnering Wisdom Through The Ages

Tarween River Fairies Wildlife Series for Children

Book #1: The Tarween River Fairies
Two sisters, Bonnie and Camille meet the river fairies who place a magic spell on them that enables them to speak universal wildlife language. As they live in a small country town, Bonnie and Camille devote their time and attention to caring for the wildlife.

Book #2: Bonnie and the Birds
In book 2 of the Tarween Fairy Tales, Bonnie sets out to learn about talking to the birds that urgently seek her help. Many situations arise where she is called upon to restore nature and bring peace and calm.

Book #3: Bush Mates
A lost puppy goes on an adventure in the bush where he discovers the sea, the river and the many animals that live in the wilderness. He has to live on his own but with luck and his new bush friends made on the journey, he finds his way.

Book #4: Camille and the Kangaroos
While Bonnie is busy, Camille sets out to visit her cousin Alonzo at Acres farm and is surprised to meet a mob of kangaroos. She soon learns about their way of living in the bush and the dangers they face. The decision-makers of the mob meet the Tarween fairies and ask important questions. Stories are shared and Camille notes them before she must return home. The animals of the bush warn that a storm is brewing and Camille and her friends must make haste. Later, a fire breaks out due to a lightning strike and threatens to destroy the land and its animals.